Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of july: back in the good ol' USA

long absence from the writing, but i am trying to get back into it.  i miss it, but i guess i feel i don't have that many interesting things to write about anymore now that i'm back home!  however, i am still processing, and i think i still have a few tricks up my sleeve...

i was filled with joy to be back in the USA for the 4th of july this year.  being in moscow, it was a nothing holiday for me last year, except a moment to mark my love for my crazy country.  this year, i was able to properly celebrate.  i participated in the annual parade that marches down main street in park city.  i was part of the group walking to represent the park city foundation, which a dear friend of mine runs.   the park city foundation raises funds every year to distribute to various non-profits in the park city area.  it's a pretty fantastic organization.  while marching that morning, it reminded me that in russia, these kinds of organizations are getting killed off every day, as any NGO is viewed with suspicion, and basically run out of town.  the foreign-run ones anyway, which i think are the majority of them, as the volunteer or "service spirit" is not as rampant in russia as it is here.   i remember one russian colleague telling me this in regards to the volunteer recruitment that is essential to running the olympic games.  they were concerned they wouldn't get enough volunteers, cuz volunteering is just not part of the culture there.  hopefully that will change, as i think many russians had a good experience volunteering at the games.  let's just hope there are some organizations left in that country to volunteer for!

back to the parade.  i marched, waving my flag, goosebumps on my arms thinking about how happy i was to be home, how proud we americans are about our country, how much we care about it and each other.  yes, yes, as i said last year, we do some pretty messed up things around the world, and i don't agree with everything the gov't does, or even my fellow americans.  but at least there is room for me to feel that frustration, that disagreement, and to voice it without fear of being thrown behind bars.  there isn't that freedom in russia.  i'm happy to be back in the good ol' USA!

however, my american holiday was flavored with a bit of my russian experience.   earlier in the week, i had made a horseradish-honey infused vodka that was inspired by the domashi (homemade) vodka i had at a fantastic georgian restaurant in krasnodar.  pic below of some of my team enjoying it...

my homemade hooch was quite a hit as well!  i have been asked to make some for my friend scott, who really took a shine to it.  i brought out the bottle to share at a BBQ and he wouldn't let go of the bottle all afternoon.  see below...

so even though i was home and enjoying all things american, i have, and will always, take a little part of russia with me wherever i go, and whenever i celebrate being an american.  cuz i think one of the most beautiful things about living in america is being able to take all of the experiences you have had and mixing them into life here.  it means knowing your place in the world, knowing where you came from, what makes you different from everyone else, and respecting those differences.  as they say, we are the "melting pot,"  or, the metaphor i prefer, the "tossed salad,"  made up of all different kinds of colors, flavors, and tastes.  now and forever my contribution to the mix will have a little flavor of russia in it.  and that makes me all the more proud.  happy 4th everyone.

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