Monday, April 15, 2013

Around the Neighb

learning to make my way around the neighborhood.  shortcuts to work (there aren't any, really), best grocery stores (the big one by work...and there is a fancy one a few blocks Dean and Deluca...tasty!), good after-work drinks place (cafe michelle).  have had a couple of russian language lessons, too!  i can say "my cat"  "my friend"  "my house".  and a few other workplace greetings and things.  little by little!

they say pictures are most fun, so here are some pics from around the neighborhood!

the largest of the seven sisters buildings...this is across the river from my apartment block.  it also houses the radisson hotel.  it is gorgeous at nearly all times of day!

wine at cafe michelle.  they aren't generous with the pours, but we still like it.

an attempt at english...this is outiside a bank near my apartment building, indicating the line beyond which you cannot park.

the seven sisters from outside my building door at dusk.

in the foyer of my building!  i can't wait to meet the owner.

on the bridge over the river near my apartment.

from the bridge...the ice is melting!!  spring is actually arriving!  this is from saturday, when i went for a jog along the river.  it was the first really beautiful warm-ish day.  lots of people were out, it's like we all came out of the woodwork, out from hibernation!  and the sport of choice: rollerblading.  too bad i got rid of my skates 10 years ago!

another view from the bridge.

a couple enjoying a view of the river.

sun setting behind the commercial center of moscow...west and south of me.

cookies!!  my first attempt at baking in moscow!!  very successful!  peanut butter chocolate chip.  i used peanut butter that was sent from the states, and chocolate shavings from the choc shop in zurich.  no real "brown" sugar, but we made do!  oh, and powdered vanilla.  but it worked!  the office lapped them up.  and it's good to know i can have a little taste of home when i need it.

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