Monday, July 29, 2013


this past saturday we ventured out to a market (have to get all my gift and souvenir purchases made before i head to the US this weekend!) and then to a graffiti art show.  pretty typical moscow day, i'd say.  you can see for yourself...

this is the entrance to ismailova...a replica of a medieval village, complete with the village market...which has a proper flea market side, and of course, rows and rows and rows of matrushka dolls, soviet antiques, fur hats, and any other russian souvenir you could want.

this is the proper flea market side.  it was freezing.  only 18 in the middle of july!!  and spitting rain!!  come on moscow!  where's the sun?!?! 

soviet-era dishes.  and probably some from last week.  whatever will sell!

the pin guy!  this guy is the best.  he has SO many pins from soviet era...sports, relations with the US, propaganda, military, etc.  he also had a fine selection of pins from the 1980's olympics in moscow.  collectors items!!  i took this picture in the hopes that lonely planet will post it as a part of their "in the wild" series on their facebook page.  

cool graffiti art show in an old sugar factory in my neighborhood.  i think the video camera is a rip-off of some banksy street art, but the rest of it was pretty cool.

this guy is also spray-painting a tiny car.

gotham city!  this is "moscow city"...the new business district.  

sunset from my bedroom window last night.  finally, the sun!!  as it is setting...

starting to.  

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